

The scope of Hounslow BBP respiratory programme is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and Asthma.

Around 1/3 of patients admitted with COPD exacerbation have had no previous quality assured diagnosis. We see London consistently detecting COPD below the national average.

In the UK, 5.4M people are currently receiving treatment for asthma. Whilst seeing some of the poorest air quality and highest levels of urbanization in the country, all London CCGs report asthma prevalence below national average.

The aim of the Hounslow respiratory programme is to improve quality diagnosis of asthma and COPD with focus on raising awareness about self-management, through the following work streams:

  • Implementation of diagnostic respiratory hublet in primary care 
  • Increase/improve annual disease reviews
  • Facilitate better self-management through patient/public engagement work promoting importance of peer support group, empowering public with knowledge about correct inhaler techniques, impact of smoking and air pollution on respiratory conditions etc. 

The overarching objectives of this programme are to contribute to increase quality diagnosis of COPD and asthma, helping better management of disease, promote self-management – all these leading to lesser exacerbation, hospital attendances and overall improved quality of life. 

  1. Implementation of consultant led respiratory hublet – this is to have an access to quality assured diagnostics at primary care (Spirometry and FENO) 

  2. Support practices to increase and undertake quality asthma/ COPD reviews by offering trainings and other medicine management related information
  3. Promote self-management via public events and Hounslow Borough Respiratory Group activities. Hounslow Borough Respiratory Support group (HBRSG) is charitable organisation offering peer support to COPD patients through exercise classes, social outings, providing relevant information etc. for improving quality of life. 
  4. Air pollution/green agenda: Promote and educate stakeholders and patients about impact of air pollution on respiratory conditions and support green agenda (i.e. safe disposal of inhalers, switching to environmental friendly inhalers etc.) 
  5. Supporting Children and Young people (CYP) with asthma by promoting importance of annual review, correct ways of using medication and learning about triggers of an exacerbation (i.e. smoking/vaping/house moulds etc)

  1. Respiratory hublets ( diagnostic spirometry and FENO testing) now provided by Feltham & Bedfont PCN ( @ Mount Medical Centre) , Great West Road PCN ( @ The Medical Centre and the Cranford Medical Centre) and Chiswick PCN (@The Chiswick Health Practice). Consultant support agreed from West Middlesex Hospital.

  2. Lived experience sessions delivered by Hounslow Borough respiratory support group ( HBRSG) for COPD and asthma patients completed for all PCNs. Total 14 patients joined the HBRSG from these sessions. The group provides peer to peer support for better self-management of their conditions.

  3. HRSG organised a Health event to mark World COPD Day on 18th November @ St. Johns Centre , Isleworth. There were various stall holders from Provider organisations and offer of chair yoga to the attendees. Information session delivered on Children & Young People asthma ( By Alison Summerfield - asthma nurse) and Urgent Care service access ( By Chris Hilton, Chief Operating Officer -West London Trust) 

  4. Children and Young people asthma project: Feltham PCN delivering an integrated  pilot project , working in collaboration with other stakeholders i.e. community asthma service, schools, public health , housing engagement team etc. PCN pharmacist led CYP asthma clinic for Feltham started for children who are in high risk of getting an exacerbation potentially leading to hospital visit.  Multidisciplinary team meetings commenced, where complex cases of children with asthma discussed for better outcome of asthma management. Two schools at Feltham ( REACH academy and Bedfont primary school) actively engaged to support the integrated pilot project. Total 20 schools achieved Asthma Friendly School status by Q3.

  5. Supported #AskAboutAsthma (#AAA) in September to promote public awareness around importance of annual review, inhaler technique, effect of mould/pollution/vaping on asthma  by producing local communication materials ( poster, leaflets).  Press release endorsed by Councillor Chaudhary. Two case studies – Feltham pilot integrated project and HRSG live experience sessions published on BBP website. The campaign is also supported by various stakeholders by displaying/sharing communication materials and encouraging staff for asthma training.  Campaign materials displayed at JCDs during the week. Podcast to highlight the integrated pilot project at Feltham PCN released nationally as part of the week

  6. A training session on asthma organised by Brentford Football Club (BFCCST) on 27th Nov, 10 staff attended. Training delivered by Alison Summerfield ( Asthma nurse consultant ) . A GP webinar on CYP asthma took place on 25th October.  

1. Continue progressing with school engagement programme to support CYP with asthma. Encourage and invite more schools to complete Asthma Friendly school ( AFS) trainings. Organise school assembly talks to improve awareness about asthma amongst whole school.

2. Training session on CYP asthma organised by Lampton 360 group on 9th February at Hanworth Air Park Leisure Centre & Library (Uxbridge Rd, London, Middlesex, TW13 5EG). Training will be delivered by Alison Summerfield. 

3. Hounslow Borough Respiratory Support group will be present at Health Show on 4th January ( organised by Lampton 360 group) and on 20th, 27th February and 5th , 12th March ( organised by EHCVS)

4. Updating asthma out of hospital specification based on lessons learnt from Feltham PCN integrated CYP asthma pilot project. Plan and prepare wider roll out of the Feltham PCN CYP asthma clinic model with further work around non-responders pathway

5. Further planning about raising awareness about impact of air pollution and in-door pollutants ( i.e. moulds )  on respiratory disease and mitigation actions. 

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