Current and Upcoming Campaigns

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Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 (5-11 February) is a BBP campaign priority in the Hounslow Borough Based Partnership (BBP) Communications and Engagement strategy 2023-24.

The theme for this year is ‘My voice matters’ which focuses on empowering children and young people to share their mental health experiences.

A range of national assets are available at -

West London NHS Trust is leading on the campaign for all partners, their Communication and Event plan is located here, alongside digital creative. 

Key events: 

  • The Circle, crisis intervention café, round table event with Will Poulter, HFEH Mind CEO, and CYP Youth Panel  - 5 February 
  • CAMHS Youth Ambassador programme launch, Youth ambassador voices - 5 February 
  • Professionals Networking event - Brentford Football Club Community Sports Trust stalls event 3pm -5.30pm. Councillor Chaudhary attending. All BBP colleagues invited - 6 February.
  • Hounslow Youth Justice Service event – Heart of Hounslow 12.30-4.30 drop in session focus on ‘My voice matters’ - 7 February 

Press release Output 

BBP Colleague Output

Hounslow Council output:

  • Thrive e-newsletter – (55k subscribers) 
  • Hounslow Matters e-newsletter – (40k subscribers)
  • Council social media accounts (Facebook, X, Instagram and Nextdoor) 
  • Internal staff channels 

West Middlesex University Hospital 

Residents were signposted to: 


To understand the full list of Children Mental health pathways and services available in Hounslow please visit -


In conjunction with the Hounslow Council Public Health Team the BBP launched the internal Population Health Management Framework campaign on 1 November 2023, the campaign runs until June 2024. 

The overarching aim is to have more staff from across all organisations trained in Population Health Management. As this new approach will enable more staff to: 

  • Use data, research, and engagement to understand the needs of our residents.
  • Identify and target those who will benefit most from interventions.
  • Develop evidence-based interventions.
  • Embed evaluation to understand impact.

The key priorities are for staff to understand: 

To view the campaign and digital assets, please click here

Feb and March PHMF Lunch and Learn Dates.png



Local research conducted in 2022 highlighted low levels of trust in the health system amongst those most impacted by health inequalities in Hounslow. Following these insights, the Hounslow Health Outreach Team (HOT) launched in 2022.

The team, work with residents and local community groups to help break down health barriers, build trust, and signpost more residents to access local health and wellbeing services. They are equipped to conduct daily bloody pressure checks, Body Mass Index (BMI) checks and CO2 readings in the community.  

HOT is staffed by local residents who are out engaging with the community five-days a week, either via their community engagement bus, or via their town centre shop at the Treaty Centre, Hounslow.

The team wish to further develop their reach within the community and create further awareness for their service

Strategic Approach

This campaign has a dual strategic approach:

1 - To demonstrate to residents that the Health Outreach Team is a trusted voice within the community who are there to deliver health prevention support.  

2 – To develop HOT as a health engagement service that can be commissioned by partners to signpost residents to specific health services.


  1. Create a new brand identity for the Health Outreach Team
  2. Increase digital awareness for HOT amongst local audiences (Measure – Web traffic and digital analytics)
  3. Increase engagement with residents via the HOT bus.
  4. Increase footfall to the HOT shop.
  5. Increase awareness amongst strategic stakeholders and build B2B collaborations from April – June.
  6. Increase targeted engagement with local businesses.



The new HOT brand idenitiy went live February 2024. Design concepts and colour schemes were tested with stakeholders and residents throughout December and January. The below design received the most positive response rate. The design aims to illustrate a journey though the organic line and person centric motif aims to highlight support. Brand guidelines aim to be published March 2024, to demonstrate the full range of new brand assets.  


HOT final logo.png




HOT - Team member revserse.jpegAll HOT team members now have new uniforms, to help create a highly visible presence in the community. Uniforms include:

  • Jumpers 
  • T-shirts 
  • Jackets 
  • Umbrellas 








Untitled design (31).pngThe community bus is being re-branded to illustrate the community offer. 












Communications output will continue from March - September 2024. 

In collaboration with health, voluntary and community partners the Hounslow Borough Based Partnership aims to deliver Health in the Park, a fun and interactive health and wellbeing engagement event for all residents.

The event is designed to motivate visitors to become more active and lead healthier lifestyles, so that they are not impacted by long term health conditions.

More than 30 groups are collaborating to deliver this FREE event for residents by hosting either an information stand or delivering a healthy activity. Main supporters include Healthy Hounslow and Brent Community FC.

The event is scheduled for Saturday 15 June, Lampton Park, Hounslow.

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​​​Communication Objectives

  • Generate awareness of the event amongst residents (Measure by digital engagement)
  • Generate more than 2000 web clicks
  • More than 1500 residents to visit ‘Health in the Park’
  • Generate awareness amongst all BBP staff (Measure by clicks)
  • Raise awareness for competitions that are being delivered at the event. (Measure by entries)

Click here for the A5 leaflet 

Click here for the A4 poster

For further information please email 

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