Communications and Engagement



The communications and engagement function across the BBP aims to develop a deeper understanding of what people need to be able to access health and care services in Hounslow. 

As agreed in the Hounslow Borough Based Partnership Communications and Engagement 2024 Strategy, communications aims to inform, empower, and engage the borough’s communities by working with all BBP partners to amplify messaging and campaigns. 

The BBP communications and engagement work aims to underpin all project workstreams.

For an in-depth understanding of the BBP engagement work please visit our engagement page

  • BBP colleagues will have an increased understanding of the partnership, their role in it and advocate for it.
  • External organisations and residents actively involved in the local health and care sector will have an increased understanding of the BBP, its priorities and outcomes.
  • Local communities are empowered to shape the planning and delivery of services and wider decision-making.
  • Increased profile of the BBP in the wider health and social care sector, ensuring it is viewed as best practice and a thought leader.
  • Proactive, purposeful and targeted communications to ensure all residents are aware of and can access the support, services and opportunities they need.
  • Positive behaviour change achieved through effective campaigns aligned to programme workstreams and accelerator projects.

The BBP sets out three strategic communications and engagement pillars to support and develop the ambitions of the wider BBP programme. These include: 

Meaningful and representative engagement

Putting people's views and lived experience at the heart of our work, factoring in stakeholder and public involvement at the start of the process, empowering communities to influence decision making. 

A campaign-led approach

Adopting a hyper-local focus using Hounslow-specific data to drive behaviour change and deliver real-world impact. 

Best practice, PR and Public Affairs

Demonstrating innovation and success of key projects and making the case for Hounslow BBP's way of working at regional and national level. 

The Communications and Engagement Working Group coordinates and/or provides professional support and advice to programme and workstream leads across the BBP. During 2023 they have supported Respiratory, Dementia, Diabetes, Mental Health and Hypertension workstreams to promote campaigns or targeted engagement events. 

Communications and Engagement leads can assist workstreams and partners in developing comprehensive communications and engagement plans designed to deliver the above objectives.  

Health in the Park

In July 2023, the team delivered the first Health in the Park event, attracting more than 2000 residents to come and engage with a range of health professionals. The full communications report is available here. 


The BBP Communications and Engagement team provided a 12-month evaluation report to the BBP Board in November 2023 highlighting communication and engagement activity. 


To view health campaigns, please visit our campaigns page

Next steps

For communication or engagement support please contact: 

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