The Digital Inclusion for Social and Health Impact project (DISH) shortlisted for top award

Huge congratulations to Hounslow Council and Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust for the Digital Inclusion for Social and Health Impact project (DISH) award shortlisting, in the Whole Team Approach to Tackling Health Inequalities category at the 2024 MJ Awards. 

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DISH is jointly led by Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Hounslow Council, and Imperial College Health Partners. It explores how digital exclusion impacts communities' access to healthcare, and the different ways people can be supported to use existing digital channels and learning opportunities to reduce health inequalities. 

It helps to make digital health services more inclusive by reducing digital inequalities. Innovative approaches include joint-working, co-production arrangements, targeted community engagement, place-based analysis, customised resources and expanded device access. Outcomes include: closer ties; transformed services; enhanced insights and external funding bids.

Achievements delivered included creation of a shared vision and leadership, increased volunteering, analytical processes, wider consultation shaping services, and sustainability measures across governance, communications, and integration foundations – ensuring local health is a clear priority across service areas read more details here. 

Mark Edmunds, Delivery Manager, Hounslow Council, said: 

"All those involved in the project are really pleased to have been shortlisted for the MJ Awards which serves to reinforce the great strides made cultivating a strong partnership between the Council and Chelsea and Westminster NHS Hospital Foundation Trust to develop co-productive ways of working to tackle health inequalities in the borough."

The MJ Awards celebrates local government authorities that demonstrate excellence when serving their communities. 


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